Events Calendar

Salem Lutheran School

  1. Events
  2. Venues
  3. Salem Lutheran School
Events at this venue

JV Blue Volleyball @ Salem JV

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Volleyball JV Blue (Away) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

JV 6 Soccer @ Salem JV

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Soccer (JV 6) (Away) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

Var A Volleyball @ Salem

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Volleyball Varsity A (Away) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

Var Soccer @ Salem

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Soccer (Varsity) (Away) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

JV A Volleyball @ Salem JV

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Volleyball JV A (Home) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

JV 5 Soccer @ Salem

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Soccer (JV 5) (Away) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

HLAC Varsity Boys and Girls Tournaments

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Boys (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

JV Blue Boys @ Salem JV 2

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV Blue Boys (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

Salem 7U Boys and Girls Tournaments

Salem Lutheran School

Groups: Athletics - Basketball Varsity C Boys (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Away) Athletics - Basketball JV A Girls (Away) Athletics - Basketball JV A Boys (Away) Schools: Trinity Lutheran School (Neutral) Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) Location: Salem Lutheran School

Salem 7U Boys and Girls Tournaments

Salem Lutheran School

Early dismissal for Var C Boys at 2:50 Early dismissal for Cheer at 2:50 Groups: Athletics - Basketball JV A Boys (Away) Athletics - Basketball JV A Girls (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity A Girls (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity B Boys (Away) Athletics - Basketball Varsity C Boys (Away) Schools: Salem Lutheran School (Neutral) […]